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tv   The Daily Rundown  MSNBC  December 6, 2013 6:00am-7:01am PST

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"morning joe." chuck todd is next with "the daily rundown." >>ar a lifetime of leadership, from prisoner to president, a man who spent a 30 of his adult in jail passes away at the age of 95 and after nearly a century on this earth, his legacy promises to shape the politics of the world for perhaps centuries to come. good morning from washington. it's friday, december 6th. a special edition of the daily run down. we will honor and remember the life of former south african president, nelson mandela. his death was not a surprise. he was in failing health for months since being admitted to the hospital six months ago. he is being laid to rest a week from sunday and today people are remembering him as a giant among men. one of the greatest heroes. he was a man in the mold of
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gandhi and martin luther king. a revolutionary who spent nearly a third of his life behind bars so his country would be free. flags have been lowered to half-staff in washington and all over the country. reaction has poured in from all corners from global leaders to activists to ordinary men and women remembering nelson mandela. >> our nation has lot of its greatest son. our people have lot of a father. >> let us pause and give thanks to the fact that nelson mandela lived. a man who took history in his hands and bent the ark of the moral universe towards justice. >> thank you for the gift. >> what an extroerdary and inspiring man else in an mandela was. >> going from being in prison on
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the list of many nations and been the most moral authority in the world was quite a journey. >> he was a stranger to hate. he rejected incrimination in favor of reconciliation and he knew the future demands required that we move beyond the place that he had been. >> let us honor his memory in a dignified way as his leadership they deserve. >> born to a privilegedied f fa. he desired to fight the apartheid system that kept whites in power and the blacks at the bottom of the social and political ladder. he was a vocal critic and joined the african congress and in 1956 mandela and scores of others were charged with treason. although he was acquitted, the
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african national congress was acquitted and he was imprisoned and violence escalated. the riots in 1976 left more than 360 dead. in 1985, the state president offered mandela his freedom if he would renounce violence as a means for political change. his daughter read his response publicly. >> i cannot sell my birth right nor am i prepared to sell the birth right of the people to be free. your freedom and mine cannot be separated. >> anger and turmoil grew, western leaders stayed on the sidelines. president reagan argued that the u.s. should not medal in another country's affairs and resisted sanctions as did the british leader at the time margaret thatcher. something had to change. the global anti-apartheid movement was gaining traction. black communities were in full
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revolt. under pressure, he resigned. in february of 1990 in the face of violence, he announced the start of negotiations that would end apartheid. days later nelson mandela walked out of pruchbison a free man. >> i stand here before you not as a prophet, but as a humble servant for the people. >> in subsequent years,they worked to ensure blacks and whites could live in a new south africa. for their efforts, they were awarded the nobel peace prize. a year later he became south africa's first democratically elected president. >> it's time for the healing of the wounds.
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a society in which all south africans both black and white will be able to walk tall in a rainbow nation at peace with itself and the world. >> as president, mandela worked to combat illiteracy and poverty. local elections were held and improvements were made. he served just one-year term and stepped down. throughout the remainder he met with world leaders and he was a order waed the presidential medal of freedom and was a tireless advocate for peace and charity and the fight against aids. president obama met mandela only once while he was a senator in 2005. as president mr. obama travelled to see the cell where mandela was held for nearly two decades. he described his relationship to the man he and many others affectionately called madiba. >> he is a personal hero and i
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don't think i am u meek in that regard. he's a hero for the world. >> back this south africa, the mood is part sadness, but part celebration. crowds gathered to remember nelson mandela who changed the world by committing his to the freedom of the south african people. >> i have nothing but deep gratitude they have given to me as an individual and let me state this. they were able to achieve anything, i know that this is because i am the servant of the people of south africa. >> it has been more than two decades since nelson mandela walked out of prison, but for those who lived through it, it seemed to be a piece of a larger puzzle. consider when mandela was freed, we were less than a year removed
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from china's tianamen square. the berlin wall came down the previous november. it was a fleeting moment in history, but for a time it showed humanity around the world was headed in the right direction. andrea mitchell's chief correspondent and host of "andrea mitchell reports." the special contributor who spent much of her career covering mandela and the politics in africa. good morning and thank you both. let me start with you. something that you said so eloquently on nightly news. this is while we are in a mourning period, we will be celebrating a man's life and it will be a celebration in south africa. >> that's the culture of the country. you won't hear south africans talk about mandela dead or having died. they talk about transitioning. they believe that there is a spiritualness to passing on.
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so many of them will go to the graves of what they call their ancestors and talk about their problems and ways to be inspired to find solutions. i'm not surprised that people are dancing in the streets. i was told that the streets aside from outside of his house are virtually bare because people are staying home to contemplate what the passing of nelson mandela means to them and their nation and actually to the world. it is a moment of reflection, but also a moment of joyfulness that nelson mandela has joined the ancestors. >> what does it mean to you? >> i keep thinking that we need to continually be reminded of the lessons of people like mandela and martin luther king because they all had the same vision of a society in which people are judged by the content of their character and not the
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color of their skin. it's especially important that our young people, the ones you see dancing in the streets who are in south africa called the born frees because they were born after the end of apartheid that they learn that history and understand how important it is to know it so when they confront challenges as we all do today and will forever they know there ways to meet those challenges and sometimes succeed in overcoming them. >> it's funny you bring up history. you were on the frontlines covering the political fights that were taking place in this country over while the country was speaking against apartheid. not politically or policy wise. >> ronald reagan was the last man standing to fight against the change in policy. it was dick luther and other republicans joining what had been started by the
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congressional black caucus. maxine waters before she was in congress when she was a state-elected official in california. california led the way and other municipalities elsewhere in banning any investment by pension funds in companies that invested in south africa. we had an enormous debate. this was after the major civil rights movement and after the vietnam war movement, college campuses in the 80s erupted over the apartheid movement. the administration of ronald reagan finally was the first veto override on foreign policy. it was rejected and taken over as jim baker said on "morning joe." taken over by congress. >> why do you think the world was slow when it came to dealing with south africa? >> i have to say that we in the media are partly to blame. we didn't focus that much on
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what was going on in south africa. until it just became impossible to ignore. when i went the first time in 1985, it was actually the first time that we focused on the people of south africa. both the black and the white and what the human beings of the country were thinking. why the white people thought they were superior to the blacks and did they ever see an end to that thinking? how the blacks were struggling on every level, not just in the streets, but offices where many of them worked. it was initially focusing on the overall idea of those who are fighting against oppression and those who are pressing. we didn't pay that much attention to the human beings. that's why we were late coming to it. >> also the cold war and reagan coming in and thatcher. >> using the cold war --
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>> mandela as a communist-socialist and marxist and on the terror list. >> it was considered a terrorist organization. maxine waters joined a terrorist organization as an elected official in california. there was that divide. everything was viewed by reagan and the white house through that prism. it took others and colin powell was torn in the middle, but the bigger issue here is i think that nelson mandela came out of prison with this view on day one as tom brocaw and others recounted. day one. charlene was there to tell, reconciliation was the way to go forward. if not for he and the cleric who were awarded the nobel peace prize. >> that's the amazing thing. two amazing aspects to mandela's
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ascendency as a politician where the fact that he and the cleric governed together as one. the second he walked away. >> that who walked away? >> he walked away for power. he didn't try to stay in power as long as it took. he was trying to create of idea of a democratic transition. to set an example set for the country. >> that's right. he had a vision and he laid it out to everybody. when he walked away from official power, he did not walk away from advocacy of the things he believed in. he continued to fight on behalf of children. he continued to -- in fact he went against his own president in championing hiv and aids and making that public and saying there was no disgrace to come out and acknowledge your status. he may have walked away from power, but in the sense he
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continued to lead. >> he is the shadow of mandela dominates the political scene in south africa. with him no longer as the spiritual leader of the anc. at least no longer on this earth. what is that going to do to politics going forward? >> when he walked away and said don't call me, i'll call you, he left politics. so for a number of years now, he has not been on the scene. i think to a certain extent, that's unfortunate. i think that this young democracy is having some missteps. >> it does feel that way. >> a few stumbles. it's difficult because mandela has not been there to way in. maybe at this moment when people are not on the streets, but contemplating what mandela stood for, they might come to a better
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moment than they are in currently. >> put into perspective, that was an amazing three or four-year period in history. when you look back, it's stunning and like how did we lose the momentum? we were almost there. >> it takes -- you did have prague and the berlin wall and the leaders who were able to have a vision. bush 41 had a vision in terms of german reunionification. there were leaders in different parts of the world. >> who seize the moment. >>a i new economic freedom was not completed and realized. it's an amazing period to think about. for that leadership now. >> we will see you then. we will see you a lot.
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i look forward to it. thank you very much for your remarks this morning. we have much more on this special edition of the daily run down, celebrating the and legacy of nelson mandela. both the current and former leaders to south africa. a look ahead to the politics planner. you should see the president has a health care event today and there is also the lighting of the national christmas tree. you are watching "the daily rundown" only on msnbc. >> today we are beginning a new era for our country and its people. today we celebrate not the victory of apartheid, but a victory for all the people of south africa.
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>> i stand here before you not as a prophet, but as a humble servant of you, the people. your heroic sacrifices have made it possible for me to be here today. >> that was nelson mandela hours after he was released from prison from his 27-year stint in prison. news of his passing is drawing huge crowds. the nation's mourning has become
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a celebration of the man south africans call madiba. >> moments ago, they released details for the funeral plans. the country will pay tribute over the next days. sunday will be a national day of prayer and reflection. there will be a massive public
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memorial at the soccer stadium on december 10th. mandela will lie in state and be laid to rest on the 15th with a service. president obama is planning to attend at least one of the services where there will probably be the largest gathering of world leaders in the history of the globe. they are holding a service today. the stock exchange close said for minutes and banks announced they will shut down on the day of mandela's funeral. i am joined by two men who can give perspective on how his death affects south africa this morning. donald begins is here with me in washington and the current ambassador joins me from johannesburg. i will start and we have a little bit of a satellite delay. bear with me there. just tell me, how is
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johannesburg reacting this morning. what do you see on the streets? >> chuck, thank you so much for having me on during this period of global reflection. there is a somber mood in johannesburg. even in the darkest times, south africans will sing and celebrate accomplishments and you are seeing that out on the streets of johannesburg now. >> tell me about your suck suszsusz -- successor. mandela has been this sort of politically overused in many ways, but how do you expect the south african government to transition to a post mandela world? >> i think man bella and first of all it's great to be on with you. i think mandela has been out of
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government for a period now. i think his legacy is still there. in south africa, he will -- his spirit will guide the country and i think the anc now has to live up to that legacy and try to figure out how to capture that and go forward. how do you bring them into that system into the vowels he espoused? >> describe the state of how you see the south african economy and the relationship between the united states and this current south african government. >> it's a dynamic moment in the relationship, chuck. you know that the fastest growing economies on the globe are in africa. south africa is the economy that has been stagnant over the course of the last few years following the recession that all
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of us are struggling to recover from. i will tell you that over 600 american countries on the ground here in south africa are bullish and optimistic about the future here spent a lot of time talking to both investors and young people who were entering the job market here and they are optimistic about the opportunities, but they know there real challenges particularly around education to make certain there is a sustainable economy and the shared prosperity this this country. >> one of the things i want to do with you, you were talking with andrea off camera and i am glad you brought up the cold war point. history and a reminder of what that -- how frankly we were behind the times as a government when it came to dealing with the anti-apartheid movement back in the 80s and how that should make us think certain things today.
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>> i think the cold war mentality that andrea talked about did drive the lens with which we looked at south africa. >> you are with us or you are against us. if you are with us we overlooked your domestic transgressions. >> in south africa, the anc turned to cuba and russia where they still have strong ties as a result. >> stronger than ties with the united states? >> different. we have very good relationships with south africa, but that memory is still there. we weren't with them at the beginning. they were trained in russia or cuba. >> they don't have a cultural exchange that we pride ourselves with with the eastern block. >> i think that is something we had to overcome. i think one of the legacies is he forgave us and embraced us and built that legacy of our two countries working together.
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we invested through hiv and aids to rebuild. >> i want you to reflect personally. >> don and chuck, if i can get in quickly on that. we looked at them through a cold war prison, but there were thousands of activists in society who turned things around and once the u.s. passed sanctions in 1986, it was decisive enough to bring down the oppressive regime. there is a full appreciation of that history. >> i will start with you and i want to do the same thing. your personal memories of mandela. please share. >> i was privileged to mead madiba on two occasions. a few months after he was released, he came to the united states and i participated in organizing a great reception for
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him in new york and other states in the country. i was in his presence and realized that even his quiet moments had a weightiness to them. i met him for a second time 23 years ago here in south africa with the delegation to help support democracy. i will never forget the ways in which he commanded his people to look to their better angels and seek a peaceful path. a remarkable figure and there will never be another like him. >> i was lucky enough to meet with him three times in his twilight years while i serve as ambassador and the spirit still came through. he warmed up a room and one of the times i was there with my children and other children. the way he lit up around children, anyone who knows him will tell you that's where he took his greatest joy. he spend 27 years away from his children.
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i held a letter he had written to his children. my wife and i broke down in tears reading it. you realize what he gave up to fight for freedom. >> donald gibbs, patrick, thank you both and we look forward to seeing and hearing from you throughout this ten-day celebration. >> up next, we will go live to nelson mandela's home where crowds have been gathering since the news broke. nelson mandela was the second private citizen to address a joint meeting of congress. he was only the second ever private citizen to address a member of congress in the 20th century. who was the first? the answer and more is coming up on this special edition. >> i, nelson mandela, the
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esurance. now backed by allstate. click or call. today, south africans are remembering nelson mandela to dance and celebrate his life. michelle kosinski joins me now. me what you are seeing on the streets. >> there has been an endless procession of people here all day. since last night. young and old, black and white, many carrying flowers. the air has been full constantly with the deep reason ant sound of african songs. people are celebrating and also emotional. one elderly woman said thinking of apartheid making her sad. mandela saw a light and never
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switched it off. they are white and their children are black and they can give them a good and equal life. chuck? >> i know you will see so many. s like that as you watch all of this celebration and remembrances that take place there. up next, we have a deep dive into the politics of apartheid. a history lesson from the 80s. you are watching "the daily rundown." >> there must be an end to white monopoly in political power. and a fundamental respect of our political and economic system. to ensure that the inequalities of apartheid are addressed in our society can be democrat.
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today my deep dive is the complicated history of the u.s. and apartheid in south africa. nelson mandela's is being honored with universal a.m. limation. bl with the anti-communist white south african government sidelined systems of apartheid and the u.s. actively
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discouraged black resistance to apartheid and until the late 80s, the cia portrayed the african national congress as an organization dominated by communist and fear mongering that was echoed by critics of a growing anti-apartheid movement. in the lates, a divestment began on college campuses. students including a young barack obama called for the universities to end investments in south africa. free nelson mandela was a popular cry and pressure grew for sanctions. it was not just jesse helmings who had staged a filibuster to block a martin luther king holiday and blocked sanctions against south africa, president ronald reagan was against
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sanctions against south africa opening up a split in the gop. after the government crack said down on anti-apartheid protests in reagan's first term will killing more than 2,000 blacks and imprisoning thousands, they had a party of constructionive engagement. >> this is a sovereign nation. you ka can't tell them how to run their country. >> after may passed sanctions, reagan vetoed the bill in september. >> i think the simple case is that punitive sanctions that would affect the economy there would not only be disruptive to surrounding states that are linked to south africa's economy and be punitive to the people that we want to help. i think that up on the hill there whatever intentions there may be, they are asking for
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something that would not be helpful. >> finally congress including key republicans like former indiana senator richard lugar and mitch mcconnell overrode reagan's veto passing the anti-apartheid act into law with a vote of 78-21 in the senate. >> we are against tyranny and tyranny is in south africa. we must be vigorous in that fight. >> today's vote is today's generation saying no to the insipient holocaust of our times. >> the law banned new investment in south africa and blocked the import of most south african goods. it was the first time in the 20th century that a presidential veto on foreign policy had been overridden. those who stood on the wrong side paid for it. as south africa was used as a wedge in campaigns.
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here are a few examples. >> alan cranston is the leading opponent of apartheid. republicans and democrats alike voted for sanctions. the talk democratic and republican leaders in california support sanctions, but not ed zschau. he said we should encourage want in south africa. do you want a senator who stands with the extremists on the wrong side in south africa? >> senator chris coombs, chair of the foreign relations subcommittee and a former head of the naacp and democratic congressman from maryland. congressman mfume, let me start with you. you were in congress in the mid-to late 80s. me about that leadership and what you remember then. congress had to lead america's foreign policy when it came to the issue of south africa.
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>> it was a very, very tough time. i got elected two months after ronald reagan vetoed the bill and when i met him at the white house that december, he and i got into a rather loud argument of discussion about why it was wrong. he ultimately relented because the senate would have its way. it was a tough fight. i got involved as a student with the movement and led as a member of the city council during which point mr. mandela found out about it and wrote me a short letter that said thank you so much for your support and in bold letters he said don't give up. i thought that was interesting because we didn't want him to give up. it's a tough way to go and to keep this in context. he was up against quite a bit as were the people of south africa. there were a number of determined people here, black, white, jewish who continued it
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work on behalf of his freedom. >> senator, we have you on not because you are a senator in the u.s. foreign relations committee, but your participation and act 1ri678 in the 80s and responsive colleges and yard universities to call for divestment in the 80s. me about it. >> it changed my life. this was what got me into campus activism and politics. as you mentioned, i worked for the investment responsibility research center that tried to help provide the foundation and the research advancement for folks fighting for divestment and i spent three months in south africa in the height of the state of emergency in 1987. young leaders in congress like congress men mfume and others were heroes in trying to make sure america changed direction and got on the right side of history. what i saw and experienced deeply shocked me. i had no personal experience before that of the vicious white
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supremacist world view that the apartheid regime imposed in that country. the whole time i was in south africa and working on the issues, nelson mandela was in jail. he was jailed when i was 1-year-old and he didn't get out until i was in my early 30s. someone of his persistence and character and someone of his leadership ability once released could show such grace and reconciliation. we lot of a great leader. >> what is interesting to me as a young college student in that period of time and watching so much change happen it was like protest movements can work. >> it gave new meaning to protest and he gave new meaning that good ultimately overcomes evil. it was the efforts of a lot of people as you know to keep this in front of the public. it was not a popular thing in those days. in fact when mr. mandela visited
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on the first trip to america, i sat down and talked about what it was like here as opposed to what it was like there. the only difference was that legally the government could do what it wanted to to put down the protest where they couldn't do that here. there were people everywhere in every state arguing for the same thing. ironically i had gone to mr. mandela's inauguration and he said to me i'm inviting my jailer to be there which i thought was interesting. i asked him why and he said because all of us are equal. all of us come from the same thing and want a better world. today both he and i are better for it. >> senator, it strikes me when we talk about this history and being on the wrong side of history with members of congress back in the day in the 80s that so many were, would you think about different foreign policy decisions that we are making at the time the cold war was used
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as the excuse for certain policies made towards south africa? do you think about that today when you are making decisions about for instance decisions that are made about relationships we have with countries based on how helpful they are and the war on terror? >> i do. that's an appropriate analogy. we need to think about our relations with countries based on a deeper knowledge of history and internal dynamics and recognize it's not all just clear and sharp contrast and folks are either for us or against us as you put it in the current war on terrorism or the cold war. there is internal dynamics you have to understand to get it right. we still have difficulty bridging this history with south africa when i led a delegation last year. we still have tension that we need to work through because of what we did in the 80s. >> all right. senator and former congressman
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mfume, thank you for sharing your history and recollections from the 80s in this successful protest movement. we'll be right back. we have other news of the day. my take away and reminder that you can watch the chris matthews full interview with president obama one more time today at 4:00 here on msnbc. >> both hillary and joe would make outstanding presidents and possess the qualities that are needed to be outstanding presidents. we're aig. and we're here. to help secure retirements and protect financial futures. to help communities
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meanwhile, the country. winter storm dion is moving across the country. the storm caused travel trouble in oklahoma overnight. in missouri the temps dropped so slow the roads became skating rinks. over here on the east coast, philadelphia and new york city, it's going to be a mess sunday and monday. and the trivia. in 1985 it was lech walesa was the first to address in the 20th century. of course nelson mandela became the second in 1990. congress to today's winner. we'll be right back. of back pain... and a choice. take up to 4 advil in a day or 2 aleve for all day relief. [ male announcer ] that's handy. ♪ [ male announcer ] on your recovery?ndy. ready to run your lines?okay, ws
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before we go, my friday takeaway is to remember the incredible life of nelson
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mandela. we should recognize his impact on pop culture and the impact that hollywood had on this country. when it came to mandela, mandela inspired songs, concerts, movie. becoming a cause celebre in the nice sort of way. helping to act about his struggl struggles. the cosby show brought his cause to the show after she named her twins nelson and winnie. hollywood has cemented his history with some of the greatest actors of our time playing the former leader. morgan freeman played mandela showing how he used sports to divide during the rugby world cup. >> rugby is a political calculation. >> it is a human calculation. >> the world cup was pivotal, a pivotal moment for post-apartheid south africa.
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so much more going on when it comes to pop culture and mandela. that's it for this edition of "the daily rundown." coming up next, chris jansing. i'll see you monday. [ male announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. celebrex can be taken with or without food. and it's not a narcotic.
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to get your free, personalized plan comparison today. call, go online, or visit your local store today. good morning. i'm chris jansing. this morning we remember nelson mandela. in life he united south africa and the world and his legacy as a fighter for freedom will continue to resonate well after his death. icon, legend, hero. none of those words seem quite big enough to describe a man who changed the world. ♪ and yet in the streets of johannesburg, the crowds are celebratory. south africa planning ten days of mourning. mandela's body will lie in state with leaders from all over the